What are the benefits of Healgen PM ORAL?

The test is objective and easy to run. It can be performed on-site and provides immediate answers. Healgen PM Oral is a one-step process. There is no sample handling or any instrumentation required. It is easily observable and does not require gender-based observation. If there is a non-negative result, confirmation can be performed on the same sample.

How does the Oral Fluid RAPID test work?

The Healgen PM Oral tests were developed to detect active drugs-of-abuse present in the oral fluid. It is a one-step lateral flow immunoassay device for the qualitative detection of drugs of abuse. The device will indicate if the sample was negative or non-negative. If the test is non-negative, further testing is indicated.

What is a Lateral Flow Device?

Multiple Drug Screen Oral Fluid Testing is based on a competitive immunoassay procedure in which a membrane with immobilized drug derivatives compete with the drug(s) present in oral fluid for limited binding sites on the colored colloidal gold antibody conjugates. During the test, oral is collected at the collection pad and migrates across the membrane. If no drug is present, the colored colloidal gold conjugates will bind to the drug derivatives on the membrane to form visible bands at specific test regions. If a drug is present, it will bind with the colloidal gold antibody conjugate and prevent the latter from binding with the membrane drug derivative so that no drug band will be formed. The lateral flow is the migration and competition across the membrane.

  • a little girl in overalls is getting a toothbrush in her mouth


What are the benefits of Healgen PM ORAL?

Our Benefits

The test is objective and easy to run. It can be performed on-site and provides immediate answers. Healgen PM Oral is a one-step process. There is no sample handling or any instrumentation required.

  • What drugs does the device detect?

    The test device will detect the most commonly used drugs including amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, opiates, and PCP.

  • How do I ensure the device is working correctly?

    The device is easy to use. The test subject should not eat, drink, or smoke for a minimum of 10 minutes before testing. The test subject removes the cover from the device. With the test windows facing downward, the device is placed on the top right side of the tongue for 5 seconds and moved to the left top side of the tongue for 5 seconds. The device is turned over, so the test windows are facing upward. The test subject holds the device between the tongue and the bottom of the mouth until the pink color flows midway in the test windows. The device is removed and placed on a flat surface for approximately 10 minutes until the color bands are displayed. The control band must be present for the test to be valid.

  • How accurate is the test?

    UScreen PM Oral has been shown to be greater than 99.5% accurate when compared to laboratory-based screening and confirmation testing.

  • How will I know if the oral fluid is non-negative for drugs?

    The test provides a rapid on-site result. When a subject tests non-negative for a particular drug, there is no band at the drug line. Please note that the control band must be present for the test to be valid.

  • Is it possible to adulterate the test?

    It is very difficult to adulterate the test. Make sure the subject has not eaten or had anything to drink for a minimum of 10 minutes before testing.

  • Can false positive results occur?

    Any screening test can give a "false positive" result. Confirmation testing verifies non-negative results and rules out other potentially interfering drugs that might have caused a non-negative result.

  • Can false negatiresults occur?

    There is less chance to find a false negative result with an oral fluid sample than with a urine sample because of the availability of urine adulterants on the market. In the case of the urine tests, there are adulterant tests to eliminate false negatives. For oral fluid testing, the chance of false negative results is very low as long as the test subject does not smoke, eat, or drink for a minimum of 10 minutes prior to testing.

  • Is It Easy To Fool A Drug Test?

    It is a little easier to fool a drug test than an alcohol test. Proper test procedures or using ORAL SCREENS should eliminate the possibilities of a subject switching their urine specimen with another or tampering with the specimen. Drinking large volumes of water will dilute the urine, thereby reducing the concentration of drugs in the urine. The detection of some drugs, such as amphetamines, is affected by the pH of the urine with some kinds of methodologies. Proper procedure and constant monitoring is the only way to eliminate cheating

  • Will passive exposure to Marijuana smoke result in a positive test?

    The most common used excuse is, “I was around some people who were smoking pot.” Research has shown, however, that casual exposure to marijuana smoke will not produce a positive test. You really have to work at being exposed to it.

  • I've heard that eating poppy seeds on a roll or in bread result in a positive opiate test?

    It really depends on the poppy seeds. Some poppy seeds are more potent than others and eating just one or two rolls containing potent poppy seeds may result in a positive opiate test. But other rolls containing less potent poppy seeds may have no effect on a drug test.

  • In general, what are the drug detection periods?

    We have a chart that illustrates typical drug detection periods. However, because metabolic rates vary individually and other factors such as age, weight, and amount of drug consumed can affect clearance rate times, the range stated is necessarily broad. It should be clearly stated that any forensic drug screen is not intended to determine when drugs were used, only whether the drug screened for is present at the time the test is performed. It should also be understood that complete abstinence from the target drug is required from the start of the “minimum” to the end of the “maximum” detection period.

  • How long after drinkins can you detect alcohol?

    It depends on how much the person had to drink and how long ago they drank. Our bodies eliminate alcohol at the constant rate of about one drink an hour. (More precisely, our bodies lower our alcohol level by .015% BAC per hour.) If a person’s intoxication level is about .02%, about one hour later their alcohol level would be zero. On the other hand, if a person had an alcohol level of .20%, twice the legal limit for drunk driving in most states, it would take over 13 hours for their alcohol level to reach zero after they stopped drinking. Once the alcohol level is zero, no alcohol test can detect the alcohol.

  • Can mouthwash interfere with the results of a breath alcohol test?

    Yes. Proper test procedure requires that the subject have nothing in their mouth for 10 to 15 minutes prior to testing. If the subject has anything with alcohol in their mouth just prior to testing, the alcohol in their mouth will contaminate the test, giving an artificially high reading. However, 15 minutes is sufficient time for all mouthwash to be dissipated.

  • Is there any way to fool an alcohol test?

    A properly administered alcohol test is difficult to fool. As long as the subject delivers an adequate deep lung breath or gives a sufficient oral sample, there is virtually no way to mask the alcohol. If someone claims their positive alcohol test is the result of using mouthwash just prior to being tested, give the person another alcohol test in 15 minutes. A second positive breath alcohol test after 15 minutes cannot be attributed to mouthwash or cough syrup.

  • Is it legal to use on-site drug test in the workplace?

    Drug screening laws vary from state to state. You may visit Business Law to check the laws in your state of business.

What are the advantages to On-Site Testing?

For the Employers:

  • These Tests Can Be Administered at the Job Site
  • It’s a Simple Process with a Lower Total Cost
  • Job Applicants & Employees Can Go to Work Immediately
  • Fewer Worker’s Comp Claims & Accidents
  • Reduced Worker’s Comp Insurance Fees
  • Less Absenteeism & Tardiness

For the Employees:

  • Confidence among Employees for the Safety of the Workplace
  • Increased Morale
  • Increased Productivity

What do I need to do to make a Drug-Free Workplace?

  1. Establish in Writing a Drug Testing Policy for Your Company
  2. All Employees Will Need to Sign These Policies Indicating That They Have Read & Understand the Document
  3. Policies Should Specify Under What Conditions You Will Test Them. For Example, Random Testing Only or Post Accident (Injury or Non-Injury), Suspicion, Etc.
  4. Policies Will Have to Specify the Consequences of a Positive Drug Test Confirmed by a Second Drug Test Done by a Laboratory (No Punitive Action Should Ever Be Taken without a Confirmatory Test)
  5. Consequences of a Positive Test – Ex. Dismissal, a Warning, or Rehabilitation
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